Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Muslim’s Christmas, Huffington Post

As a Muslim I will be celebrating Christmas, recommitting myself to listen to Jesus and follow his path. And in my Islamic tradition, I will reflect on chapter 19 of Quraan, dedicated to Maryam, Mother Mary, and pray on his birthday. I will pray that we all honor his message of creating peace and building cohesive societies where no one has to be apprehensive of the other. Amen! 

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace; he is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and several nationally syndicated radio talk shows. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam in America. Mike's work is reflected in several websites and blogs indexed at

Thanks to Dallas Morning News and Sean Hannity

We hope to create comprehensive leadership programs to produce public leaders who would be committed to work towards building a cohesive America and put America's interests ahead of their own. 

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace; he is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and several nationally syndicated radio talk shows. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam in America. Mike's work is reflected in several websites and blogs indexed at

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Morality Brigade Fox watching the hen - Cain and Gingrich

Two new paradigms including the integrity test for the candidate is explored, that Media has completely missed out on this one. Cain is history, he had a chance for a graceful comeback, he blew it. The integrity test is embedded in our pledge of Allegiance and I seriously doubt if any one of the candidates will pass the test. Should we take a chance with Gingrich to betray another vow? Read on

Monday, December 5, 2011

Republican desperation for candidates


The integrity of Gingrich is questionable but the Republicans are desperate to have anything that speaks. That is a big compromise to the tea parties, it shows that tea party's influence is very limited despite the loud mouthing. Obama has a chance to make it, if he has the balls to push the Jobs bill and do the right thing for the nation, leave a legacy before he goes anyway, rather than go down in history as good for nothing president.
Sixty-two percent called Gingrich an "acceptable" GOP nominee, while 54 percent called Romney "acceptable." (Thirty-four percent called Gingrich unacceptable, and 41 percent said the same of Romney.) While those figures are higher than any of the other Republican presidential candidates, it's worth noting that less than two-thirds sees either man as an acceptable nominee.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gingrich next exit, Romney has to contend with Paul


The only candidate that is holding on to the principles of GOP is Ron Paul. He said “the loyalty to my country comes first and the party next” I wrote the same phrase in 2007 and again in 2008 asking the Republicans to put America first.

Now Gingrich will be made to acknowledge things that he did not volunteer, he was not faithful to his wife nor will he pass the standards he “talks” about as a hypocrite, and he will fail the integrity. My article will be out next week. As of now, if all things go well it would be between Romney and Paul unless someone surprises.

Cain should have gone gracefully; he would have earned the respect of the country, but he blew it, under the fake garb of conservatism he ran but ran out of steam. Palin, no way! It is time for the GOP to save some more embarrassment or let the process purge itself. Where is Perry? I am glad at least I remembered him; he is the Governor of my State.

Mike Ghouse
A Moderate, but not a silent Republican

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Aung Saan Suu Kyi my hero


When she was released from Jail, I felt welled up like I did when Nelson Mandela walked out of the Jail in south Africa. I am Glad Hilary clinton has approached her to build relationship. I salute Suu Kyi, an amazing woman, stood up for freedom! It is always a great feeling to know that God creates these powerful people every now and then when Hope is lost. I pray Israel-Palestine, Pakistan, Congo and other nations also give birth to the Suu Kyi's. Amen!

BBC calls it Burma instead of Myanmaar.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gingrich, Next Exit?


I am with Sean Hannity on one not support any Republican candidates until we find out all about them. Every one's temperature rises to fall. Newt may take the next exit after Cain with this devasting SERIAL HYPOCRACY Video by Ron Paul. 

Mr. Cain, get off the train and go hide some place before you embarass the party more. What is the point?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Embarassing Presidential debate on 11.12.11


Rather than who has plans to bring lasting peace and prosperity to the World, Security to Israel and
Justice to the Palestinians, the candidates will be vying for kissing Israel; who does the most. Who is
bent on destruction and bombing others? Ultimately it amounts to screwing both Israelis and Americans. How long can they dupe the Israeli and Americans?

Has this policy been good to any one so far?

Please join me at facebook as a friend at when the page opens just click the word "LIKE" next to the words "Speaker Mike Ghouse" and we become friends. This page is created to make friendships with new friends as my curent page has reached the limit of 5000 friends. Thank you.

Mike Ghouse
Committed to a cohesive America

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Vote for Palestine equals Security for Israel

Since President Truman, none of the American presidents have had the balls to take a stand and do the right thing; facilitate a lasting solution for the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The talk of two states remains a hoax without recognition of Palestine as a nation. It is a necessity for the security of Israel to recognize Palestine; it will tie the loose ends.

Two videos:..


Sixty three years have been squandered with no signs of genuine security for the Jews; they have been living with an unsettling fear and have been on-the-run for their whole history. Not a week goes by where Anti-Semitism is not countered in Europe, it is there in Latin America and it is there in Asia.
The Jews have not been able to breathe freely. There is a genuine phobia that someday a segment of radical Christians will uproot them as Germany did in the recent past and Spain some five hundred years ago, those were the only nations where the Jews felt home twice in their history but were betrayed both the times.

Shamelessly, anti-Semitism continues to operate under the radar in the United States. Not a month passes here in the United States without the markings of Anti-Semitism. Some one’s house is painted with Swastika, someone yells at them “you people” or opens the fire in the Holocaust Museum or demonstrates hateful placards like “Christ Killers”, there are still a few Christians out there who cannot shake this off from their chests.

Shame on our civilization that one group of people has to live in apprehensions of the other. It is just not the Jews but many a minorities in the world live in fears of the other. Shouldn’t we feel bad about it? Are we evil that someone has to be afraid of us? It has got to change.

Recognition of Palestine will put an end to the phobias and fears. The Jewish anxieties will subside when they realize for the second time in their history (first one was creation of Israel) that they are able to live a life of justice, which is a central tenet of Judaism that they had abandoned for security. It will free their psyche. It will have a domino effect, one by one, the Arab nations will recognize Israel’s right to exist over a few years. It simply means acceptance of Israel and a welcome call to the neighborhood.

The real enemies of Israel are those who are milking monies in the name of Israel. It is business to them, they are the Madoffs whose sincerity to Israel is doubtful but loyalty to cashing in the name of Israel is certain. They are manipulators and constantly coerce our congress and senate and get their way. Heck, they have made it worse for Israel by aggravating the conflicts.

The Judeo-Christian phrase was thrown around 40's to make up for the guilt. A whole industry of opportunists was born from that. The two faced support for Jews by Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Glenn Beck and other chest thumpers had ulterior motives. They wanted to cash in on the name of Israel and perhaps convert them or pre-empt God for the Armageddon.

Jews need sincerity and not duplicity to feel secure. A genuine security is like a child in mother’s lap; safe and free from fears. Jews need to feel there is a home for them, where they can chat with friends in a café and carry on conversations without any fear, have zero fears for their school going children or ride the bus without fear. More than that, Jews can live their life again as they wanted to; to be a just people.

All of that is possible once the Palestinians feel justice is finally served to them. Shame on our cvilization, we have not cared for the lives of Palestinians, they are deprived of the very basics of life; a home and a nationality. We have stripped them from their hopes, it will change with this recognition.

President Obama has an opportunity to finalizing the transaction for Israel which was opened by President Truman. Prior to President Truman’s decision to recognize Israel, he was vehemently opposed by many in his administration including the Secretary of State George Marshall, Truman was threatened that his administration will be wrecked, indeed “the wise men” firmly opposed recognition of Israel. Did Truman budge?

President Obama will be equally hounded by Fox News and the right wingers. He has a choice to stand up and act with courage and become a one term president with balls and leave a lasting legacy of bringing genuine security to Israel and hope for the Palestinians.

If President Obama vetoes for Palestinian Statehood, he will do more damage to America’s stature in the community of nations besides keeping Israel in the state of anxiety until another Truman is born.

Let’s recognize Palestine and continue the peace process. It will abate the strife between Jews and Muslims and restore the cordiality that existed prior to the World War I. It is good for Israel, good for Palestine, good for America and good for the Middle East and the World.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive Societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Texas Faith - should we pray for rain?

The creator has designed a perfect ecological system for the planet earth to sustain on its own; however a few anomalies are built-in as a reminder for us to accept our own imperfections. Rain is one of the major components of that system and every so often, the system breaks down resulting in famines.
Dallas Morning News
Texas Faith, September 13, 2011

Should Texans or for that matter, others afflicted by drought pray for rain? If so, how would you pray? And what would you expect? If not, why wouldn’t you pray for rain?

Rain is a major source of life-giving water. It fills the lakes, runs the rivers, grows the food, tends the plants which produce oxygen and facilitates all that we consume for nourishment and survival. Lack of rain brings disasters.

The creator has designed a perfect ecological system for the planet earth to sustain on its own; however a few anomalies are built-in as a reminder for us to accept our own imperfections. Rain is one of the major components of that system and every so often, the system breaks down resulting in famines.

We have not had rain for a long time, what are our choices? When our intellect does not produce alternatives, we turn to the creator; it is our only hope.

Gov. Rick Perry’s proclamation to pray for rain may have its origins when he was a Commissioner for Agriculture. Indeed Jesus had made frequent references to it, in Matthew 13; four parables were mentioned relating to agriculture.

Doesn’t the creator know his operation has gone bonkers and needs fixing? He does, the mother knows what her children want, the employers know what the employees want, yet we have to ask for it. So, we pray!

The Native Americans felt the need to appease the creator and initiated rain dances. The Egyptian prayed for rain so the Nile can flow and they can get their water for sustenance.

Moses declared in Deuteronomy 11:14 " I will give you the rain of your land…" and laid a condition, “to love the Lord your God, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Lord Krishna says, “Beings are nourished by food, food is produced by rain, rain comes from sacrifice, and sacrifice is performed by action” and in chapter 19 of Bhagvad Gita he says “O Arjuna, I control heat, the rain and the drought.”

Indeed, it is a routine in India for the Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Jains to gather up and sing songs for rain. Even eminent scientist like C.N.R. Rao has inaugurated festivities to Goddess Chamanudeshwari to bless the State with bountiful rain.

James 5:18, “Then, Elijah prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops”

Martin Lings, a Muslim scholar writes, “In Quraan the ideas of Mercy and water, in particular rain are in a sense inseparable” he compares that to the idea of revelation and the rain, both sent down by all Merciful God and both are spoken of as life giving. He adds that “the divine mercy reaches the uttermost confines of creation.”

In April this year, the Council on American Islamic Relations urged Muslims in Texas mosques to offer special Islamic prayers, called Salatul Istisqa, simply meaning asking God for water. This prayer was offered by Prophet Muhammad during times of drought. Muslims pray 2 units of optional prayers either personally or in congregation, it is in the same format of daily prayers except the supplications for rain.

As a pluralist, I want to assure that this piece is meant to represent all religious traditions even though they are not mentioned. May God bless us with rain now, Amen.

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The weekly column called Texas Faith at Dallas Morning News asks the religiously oriented to write about the issues facing the nation from their faith perspective. I have been blessed to be sharing my take for over a year now. At the morning news, you can read at least ten other takes on the question.
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Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at

Saturday, September 10, 2011



First of all you are invited to join us at 5:00 PM on Sunday, September 11, 2001 at the Unity Church of Dallas to hear and share reflections on 9/11. Details at
Since September 11, 2001, many stories have been told and experiences shared, but here is one story among many that the right wing Americans inclusive of Jewish, Christian and others in particular and Muslim Americans in general need to hear. I hope this piece prompts you to think of the difficult interfaith moments you have witnessed. It is the story of the day and few events related to the 9/11 interfaith encounters we have held over the years. This is a long story, still more will be added, and it is 4 times the normal News paper story encapsulated in 3000 Words. I hope it offers insights into what it takes to build a cohesive America, a free America where no one has to live in apprehensions. Yes, we can do it.

This is also the story of the birth of Unity Day USA, a day to bring Americans Together. The idea for Unity Day USA was first conceived on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 and took its current form on Sunday, September 11, 2005. It is an initiative to come together to stand up for the safety, security and cohesiveness of America.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

American Public will punish the Tea Partiers

American Public on the Tea Partiers

I am glad President Obama came through poised, clear and precise with stronger than ever conviction. He was Reaganesque when he thundered and said, he will go to every nook and corner of America and talk to the American Public, if the Tea Party members do not approve the Job Creation plan. It is time that American Public hears about them.

What’s wrong with the Republican Party? Party because they are getting run over by the Tea Partiers. How long they want to look macho guys, a few will fall for that talk even if they don’t have food on the table. Most Americans will give to them in 2012 if they don’t behave. The 2010 was fluke; they will not win the public in 2012 with 2010 arrogance, they are not in tune with the American public as they were in 2008.

The Tea Party candidates are beyond reason and logic, they act like the Toddlers throwing pranks and rejecting everything. Don’t they need to go to school and get some basic economic lessons? If the nation is going downhill, you don’t accelerate it. You pump Money in to the economy to generate jobs and create activity, which spurs economic growth and recovery.
Finally Obama did the right thing, to tell them take it or face the wrath of the American People. I hope they see what America needs now and not what they want.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Do Jews, Christians and Muslims better understand each other since 9/11?

TEXAS FAITH: Do Jews, Christians and Muslims better understand each other since 9/11?

Abstract: Jews need sincerity and not duplicity. Native Americans need an apology and there is a good amount of phobia embedded in Hindus about conversions. We believe in Jesus as a Prophet and not as a son of God. Unless we deal with tough issues about our differences, we will continue to fake being nice to each other and brood with ill-will within. There is indeed improved understanding among faiths since 9/11. But there also is deepening suspicion among them. One is spiritually motivated and the other is political. Please note, most of my writings are inclusive of all theist and atheists traditions, we all inhabit the earth and we need to figure how best to co-exist cohesively.

# # #

Since September 11, 2001, many conversations have taken place among Muslims, Jews and Christians. There are official interfaith conversations occurring all over the globe, where participants dig into each other's texts. And numerous personal dialogues have been established over the last decade. Many of us have learned more about the three Abrahamic faiths since September 11, 2001 than perhaps we knew before that day.

But here's this week's question, which is simple in its wording but not necessarily simple to answer: Do followers of the three Abrahamic faiths really understand each other better since 9/11?

Eight Texas Faith Panelists including Mike Ghouse weighs in at:

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

There is indeed improved understanding among faiths since 9/11. But there also is deepening suspicion among them. One is spiritually motivated and the other is political.

We were better off when we knew very little about each other. But as we faced the hostage crisis in 1979, the evangelical foray into politics, the Baptist convention on harvesting poor souls and finally 9/11, religion moved on to center stage. It will get better when we know more about each other.

On September 11, 2001, I was on the radio in Dallas attempting to make sense out of the chaos of the day and pave the way for relevant actions. Interfaith-faith prayers, blood donation and fundraising for the men and women in uniform were all in place by evening. The fog was clearing up. Osama bin Laden was the bad guy and Muslim-Americans had nothing to do with his actions, nor did they authorize him to terrorize any one. Indeed, he placed a wedge between Americans that still needs to be undone.

Atheists, Baha'i, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Jews, Native Americans, Pagans, Sikhs, Wicca and Zoroastrians along with area city mayors, FBI, police and fire chiefs and community leaders graced the first interfaith event in Frisco. Out of which a new tradition evolved called Unity Day. It continues year after year.

But while we are trying to know more about each other, more needs to be done. Here are a few examples;

* Mosques in Dallas/ Fort Worth area opened their doors right after the 9/11 incident. As Christians walked in, they were naively welcomed by yet-to-be trained volunteers who said, "We believe in Jesus as a Prophet and not as a son of God." However, the volunteers were trained to welcome without conflict the very next week.

Of course, back in the 8th Century, a Syrian bishop had declared that Islam was a false religion. That declaration has remained in the psyche of a few Christians forever.

Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church of Dallas reiterated the statement and added, "Quran is a false book written by a false prophet." He was asked to prove it but failed.

There are several verses in Quraan that are mistranslated for political gains. Steve Blow in Dallas Morning News quoted me, "In the Middle Ages, European leaders commissioned a hostile Quran translation to foster warfare against Muslim invaders. Later, Muslim leaders produced another translation to inflame Muslims against Christians and Jews."

One such difficult passage is "Kill the infidels wherever you find them." Ten such propaganda verses were read to separate the myths from reality. They were not read by Muslim clergy, but by Baptist, Mormon, Protestant, Catholic, Unitarian, Methodist, New Age, Unificationists, Sikhs, Hindu and others at the Quraan Conference

*Shamelessly, anti-Semitism continues to operate under the radar. The anti-circumcision bills in San Francisco and Santa Monica were irksome to some, but frightening to others. Indeed, there are still a few Christians out there who cannot shake off what Fred Phelps was demonstrating with reckless posters such as "Christ Killers."

The Judeo-Christian phrase was thrown around in the 40's to build relationships between Jews and Christians. A whole industry of opportunists was born from it. The support for Jews by Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Glenn Beck and other chest thumpers have ulterior motives. They want to cash in on the name of Israel and perhaps convert them. Jews need sincerity and not duplicity to feel genuinely secure.

*Native Americans need an apology for the destruction of their religion and there is a good amount of phobia embedded in Hindus about conversions. Some of them feel that Governors Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal made it in politics because they converted to Christianity.

*The spiritual balance in the community needs to be restored through observing and following the Golden Rule, which is treat others as you would like others to treat you. Although we have failed in the past, such as when the city of Plano rejected a permit to build a Hindu temple in the early 80's and Richardson did not permit a Muslim school to open there in the mid-1990s, we still have come a long way. Thank God, those are now history and the public in the metroplex welcomes diversity.

* Interfaith meetings are still social gatherings. Leaders from smaller groups are invited as tokens rather than to genuinely get to know each other. Unless we deal with tough issues about differences, we will continue to fake being nice to each other and brood with ill-will within. There is plenty of room for honesty to grow and mature.

If we can learn to respect the otherness of other people and accept the God-given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge. One of these days we will get there. Meanwhile, I am pleased to invite you to the 7th Annual 9/11 Memorial, the Unity Day USA on Sunday September 11 at 5:00 PM at the Unity Church of Dallas on Forest Lane. Details are at
Quraan Conference program sequence:

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sean Hannity, David Horowitz & Mike Ghouse on Playland

The talk was about the row at Playland, where Muslims celebrated Ramadan festival and it ended up being a sour event. David Horowitz needs to stop making things up and the police needs sensitivity training. Minorities are sensitive to being singled out - Jews are ready to invoke Anti-Semitism, African Americans are eager to call it Racism and Muslims have a stock answer because we are Muslims. No one needs to be singled out. 

Sean Hannity, David Horowitz & Mike Ghouse
Scuffle at Playland Park 2:00 -2:20 PM EST 09/01/11

The police needs sensitivity training as well – all minorities are sensitive to being singled out and opt for the group blame – Jews are ready to invoke Anti-Semitism, African Americans are eager to call it Racism and Muslims have a stock answer because we are Muslims. Not all Jews, African Americans or Muslims do that, but a few who do get highlighted on the media.

Individuals should be treated as individuals and no affiliation needs to be given and even if they proclaim it - because I am Black, Muslim, Hindu, Jew or whatever.

The Muslim girl was wrong on three counts; 1) arguing with the police, 2) arrogance over safety issue and 3) claiming because she was Muslim.

We are all in this together and historically and psychologically, the ones under the gun (under the gun) find easy answers in assuming it is their heritage that is being attacked. The larger society needs to be sensitive to build a cohesive society. No one needs to be apprehensive of the other.

David Horowitz has a habit of cooking up, among other things he said “Muslims are indoctrinated to play victim” and “Muslims are geared up for war” I have jumped on him three times on the program to prove it and admonished him not to make up things.

I challenged him, “No Muslim is indoctrinated to play victim, you are making this up, there is no proof and no evidence and no basis for your statement” and “David, where did you find the Muslims are geared up for war?” - David did not admit he was wrong, but did not argue either and was shooting his mouth on other issues; a typical right winger attitude.

The girl had said, “It is clear this happened because we’re Muslims” It is a bait, why play it up as a Muslim issue? It was a security issue.

David Horowitz attacked CAIR – I argued it was civil rights organization just like ADL and other groups to defend the rights. He said they are a hate group, I retorted, what hateful thing have they done? What have they done to you?

Sean Hannity cannot leave me alone without talking about my support for Ground Zero Mosque and Imam Feisal, whom I defend.

I believe it was a good program, where I was able to be objective to acknowledge the mistakes of those few individuals who were attempting to label it as a Muslim issue. Thank God, Sean finally introduced me correctly and has promised to call me “Mike” from here forward.

God willing next week we will be talking about the Unity Day USA, a 9/11 Memorial. a Muslim initiative to bring Americans together for the safety and security of America.

Indeed, I have been working on making this a national day and have spoken with several congress persons. Nancy Pelosi was excited about the idea and Republican congressmen Pete Session, Ralph Hall, Sam Johnson and Kenny Marchant had agreed to sponsor the bill in a luncheon with me a couple years ago. Unity is about bringing the Republicans and Democrats together for common good of our nation. If you are in Dallas, please join us at 5:00 PM, Sunday, September 11, 2011 at the Unity Church in Dallas. Details are at the site

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. He is available to speak at your place of worship, work, school, college, seminars and conferences. . Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find this article at

Monday, August 15, 2011

A call to Republican Party


Republican fall out in 2012 is preventable, if they do not let the extremists radical speak up for them. For about a decade Muslims got run over by their extremists resulting in a mess still to fade. I spoke up then, and I am going to speak up now. Any moderate Republicans out there? If you want to save the party and keep the majority in the house, speak up louder than the divisive men and women among us. Bark in unison, like they do? Any Republicans with guts?

Thursday, August 11, 2011


1. Romney Sticks out
2. Gingrich was good, but his bigotry and wife cheating will sink him
3. Bachman did not shine, her idea on debt will cost her
4. Huntsman is ok,
5. Ron Paul is great but he will not make it
6. Pawlenty, Santorum and Cain - will be gone
7. Perry and Romney - will go foward
8. Evangelicals will axe Romney
9. Perry will be the Nominee, unless he goofs up bad

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Perry for President

A month ago as a moderate Republican I wrote, unless we find the right Republican candidate, Obama is the best option against the announced Republican candidates who are loaded with bigotry and will tear the cohesive fabric of America.

In the last elections, I was hoping for Huckabee to make it, but thank God he got dumped, he was drenched in bigotry against fellow Americans. We don't need men like him who will drown us in another war.

Obama is losing; he has not shown his mettle in bringing our men and women back home. America is suffering and he is blowing the money on a war that will not end. He chickened out to the tea partiers, he should have invoked Amendment 14 and tell them to hell with it, and do the right thing for the country, increase the revenues and not lose the credit ratings. Unless he takes a bold step, his leadership remains untenable.

I wrote 3 pieces against the exclusive prayers of Perry, however except that NY statement on GLBT which he needs to clarify, nothing significantly dumb has come out of Perry's mouth yet. I can understand his need for exclusive prayers with his crowd, but as long as it is not against others, he may have a chance.

If I were to venture on something important, it's my family and friends I would pray with and I would extend that benefit to Perry.

Has he made a mess yet?

Mike Ghouse is committed to a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His work is indexed at

KRLD Radio
July 7 at 11:55am

If he is sincere in representing Americans he needs to demonstrate it by inviting them all to his prayer fest. Americans see God as one, none and many and in every form; male, female, genderless and non-existent, being and non-being, nameless and with innumerable names. He has an opportunity to win public opinion if he chooses to go the middle path representing the majority of Americans.

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Dallas Morning News
Is Rick Perry's "Day of Prayer and Fasting" about religion or politics?

If he is using this event as a prelude to run for the President, it is another opportunity for him to be a change maker like Presidents Reagan and Clinton who have reshaped the divisive politics into an inclusive one. They were in tune with the sentiments of the moderate majority of Americans; and likewise, it would be difficult to beat Obama with divisive politics, Americans believe in live and let live and who ever aligns with them has a faint chance.

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Dallas Morning News:
Is Perry responsible for the religious company he keeps?
We should not tie Perry to Hagee or Wagner, nor should we have tied Obama to Wright. They stand on their own and should be accountable for what they say and do, and not who they listen to or friends with.

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Huffington post
Rick Perry has to prove his sincerity
If Governor Perry is sincere in calling Americans to join in the prayers for peace and prosperity of our nation, he has an opportunity to demonstrate it by giving a dignified space to every representation of the 312 million Americans.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Honoring our Soldiers in Aghanistan


In memory of our soldiers and Navy Seals who died on Saturday, please observe a minute of silence honoring them. May God bless them and give patience to their families. May God give us the wisdom to end Wars and find solutions through mitigating conflicts and nurturing goodwill. Amen

I urge fellow Muslim Americans to pray for their well beings, Insha Allah I will pray special prayers for them after Iftaar and Maghrib prayers this evening.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Muslim terrorist on loose in Montana

After you watch the video,
the title will make sense to you.
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You will find these at

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker, writer and a frequent guest on Hannity show and nationally syndicated Radio shows and Dallas TV, Radio and Print Media. He presides America Together Foundation and is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. Over 1000 articles have been published on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam, India and cohesive societies. Two of his books are poised to be released this fall on Pluralism and Islam. He is available to speak at your place of worship, work, school, college, seminars or conferences. His work is encapsulated in 27 blogs, four websites and several forums indexed at Site: email:

TEXAS FAITH: What responsibility should Murdoch or any CEO take for their company?

What does your training as theologians, ethicists, clergy, academics and people of faith teach you about situations like this? Specifically, what responsibility should the leader of an organization take for his or her institution? Should Rupert Murdoch resign? William McKenzie/ Editorial Columnist

10 Panelists write:

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

Murdoch should have the courage to say, the buck stops here.

Presidents Reagan and Clinton are admired dearly for the success they brought to America in terms of cohesiveness, safety and prosperity . They did not do it personally but it was their charisma and leadership that produced the phenomenal results and the credit goes to them. And the blame would have gone to them, too, if they had failed.

Murdoch's organization is top-down and regardless of what happened that he was unaware of, he is responsible. It was a bold move on his part to shut down the tabloid in the United Kingdom, but what if other operations within his media empire should produce similar mischief?

Even though he is not elected by the public, he has an obligation to the stockholders to salvage the ship and consider the following options.

I would urge him to apologize with a commitment to revamp his news company to meet the highest standards of journalism, morals and ethics. That may be a 180 degree turn-around for their business model and may or may not work out. But it would be a worthwhile effort if he can turn this around and save the stockholders and keep another channel of communication alive for the public.

Alternatively he could resign and together with the stockholders, take a plunge as collective repentance for the wrongdoing.

As a pluralist and a social scientist, I see the wisdom of religion, every religion emphasizing salvation through repentance. Let there be relief for them and the public.

To read the opinions of all panelists, please visit Dallas Morning News at

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker, writer and a frequent guest on Hannity show and nationally syndicated Radio shows and Dallas TV, Radio and Print Media. He presides America Together Foundation and is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. Over 1000 articles have been published on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam, India and cohesive societies. Two of his books are poised to be released this fall on Pluralism and Islam. He is available to speak at your place of worship, work, school, college, seminars or conferences. His work is encapsulated in 27 blogs, four websites and several forums indexed at

Monday, July 25, 2011


I am proud of this debate, this is how democracy should function. I am proud of Americans for not giving either the Republican or Democrats dudes power in both the houses. Bad decisions have been made when all the three branches are from the same party. Let the suckers fight, let them work for a change, let there be passions exchanged, ultimately the average Joe should win.

 It was the Republican unilateralist war that bolstered our deficits and heaped irresponsible consequence on an average American family, and it was the Democratic unilateralism that pushed for the unproductive bail outs that has accelerated the ruin.

Compromising their integrity for political gains is bad; that is screwing America. They should not have positioned themselves by digging their heels. Newt Gingrich's call not to compromise is dumb. America is better off with diversity of opinions than slam dunk political decisions that we have to endure.

The winners should be the ones who compromise from their untenable positions for the good of America, that's who should ultimately win; Americans, and not Democrats and not Republicans. 

Let us intimately learn about the consequences of their decision through the endless debating rather than positioning. American public should not be underestimated by the politicians, whoever compromises for a political gain should be routed out, but never give either party a majority in both the house. They creeps will ruin the nation.

Mike Ghouse for America; offering pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.

Anders Breivik a Christian Terrorist?

The title “Christian Terrorists” will anger the right wingers, they will deny it vehemently, the fact remains; terrorists have no religion. There should be no such thing as Muslim terrorist or Islamic Terrorist either. Most the people around the globe see it as the act of bad guys from among them.

We may seriously consider stepping out of being imbeciles in allowing every idiot to plaster a religious label for his act. The evil men are seeking to shift the responsibility of paying for their crime to an intangible non-entity called Religion so they can go scot free shooing some of us dogs to bark at Religion and many a right wingers do that; bark at each other’s religions.

Religion came into being to restore the social order, it was the case for Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and Nanak and on and on… their intention was not to create a private club with ownership resting in a few “chosen” ones. Their message to the people was to take a look at their solutions, which will build trust, justice and ultimate security for everyone.
Professor Mark Juengensmyer presents, “The similarities between suspected mass killer Anders Behring Breivik and Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh are striking.” And further compares the loonies of Bin Laden and others. None of them had religious backgrounds.
It is time for the FBI to investigate all serious links to terror. The extremists among the right wingers continue to spew hate towards fellow citizens. Isn’t that how KKK resorted to violence? Al-Qaeda resorted to violence? If unchecked, we may have more of these in Europe and America.

We need to investigate the effects of hate spewing out of Pamela Geller, Brigitte Gabrielle, Robert Spencer and host of them out there. We need to hold them accountable as accessories for any violence generated by them.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies, details at
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